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Paginateable search functionality is provided using friendsofcake/search. Please visit the documentation for details.

Search is easy to integrate with your API and works out of the box for HTTP GET requests. You can document your APIs search parameters in OpenAPI using the @SwagSearch annotation. Read more here.

Quick Example

Create a Search Filter Collection in App\Model\Filter:


namespace App\Model\Filter;

use Search\Model\Filter\FilterCollection;

class ActorsCollection extends FilterCollection
    public function initialize(): void
            ->add('first_name', 'Search.Like', [
                'before' => true,
                'after' => true,
                'mode' => 'or',
                'comparison' => 'LIKE',
                'wildcardAny' => '*',
                'wildcardOne' => '?',
                'fields' => ['first_name'],

Add the behavior to your Table classes initialize method:

public function initialize(array $config): void
    // ...other code
    // ...other code

Modify your controller action to initialize the Search component, use the Search behavior and optionally annotate with SwagSearch to inform OpenAPI about the search options:


namespace App\Controller;

use SwaggerBake\Lib\Extension\CakeSearch\Attribute\OpenApiSearch;

class ActorsController extends AppController
    public function initialize() : void
        // ... other code
        $this->loadComponent('Search.Search', [
            'actions' => ['index'],
        // ... other code

    #[OpenApiSearch(tableClass: "\App\Model\Table\ActorsTable")]
    public function index()
        $query = $this->Actors
            ->find('search', [
                'search' => $this->request->getQueryParams(),
                'collection' => 'default'
        $actors = $this->paginate($query);

        $this->viewBuilder()->setOption('serialize', 'actors');

Check out the demo for an example implementation.